Thursday, March 15, 2012

Analysis for the plan demo

In this lesson plan, we can find some approaches related to innovation for example the content based approach, in that stage thought activities such as games, videos teachers can transform their classes into attractive and effective one, in fact the purpose of this, is the more language is used in order to get the goal, language is going to acquire in a easy way.
When we are talking about ads, we also talk about culture. Using advertisement we can teach culture, relating how in U.S.A or another English speaking countries show an advert and its slogan and compare into our country.
In the plan, the procedures are clear and well establish, so if we need to make some changes we can do it for a better comprehension, of course it need to be related with the students necessities and contextualized in order to adapt the level, one limitation using ads is, not every single students are involve in the media, as a result of that there are some slogans or products that the students do not know anything, for example if we talk about NIKE advertisement, students with a low economical recourses they do not have TV or the possibility to get into internet, so probably some students unknown some of the Nike advert, but the way students get interesting using this kind of topic because they can get familiarized with some of the products or slogans, provoking students get active, and motivated in the activities.
There are some teacher that think that using innovations, is waste time or it does not work, but when we are really innovate teacher, there is no difficult using any activity, in contrast it help us to be active in the teaching-learning process, and for that reason motivate our students to do so.
By using this activity, students create their critical thinking, when they are matching the missing words and even when they relate a specific phrase with the possible advertisement, so students are force to think where I listened this, this word is related with this other one. So, as a result of that they analyze the situation and give an answer.
In the first part of the activity, students try to understand words, phrases, ads (bottom up) the teacher introduce some famous advert, by analyzing and think in a critical form, after that, when they understood the vocabulary, students are able to create their own storyboard (top down). That means, by using this kind of activity students go through the simple steps that is learning and acquiring the knowledge and vocabulary, and the complex steps in which relate to the ability to use the vocabulary learned.
The use of innovation is extremely important in the teaching-learning process, that´s why we as educators need to apply it, there are some teachers that use the innovations in their class and as a result of that they get excellent results, in contrast with it, there are other teachers that they do not want to get complicate themselves, so professors use monotonous activities, provoking lack of interesting in the subject matter. Local teachers use both of ways, by innovating and not innovate.
If we take into account the possible effects by using the ads, it could be, how a an advertisement affect our culture, I mean talking about Mc Donald´s ads, they introduce the U.S.A culture into our country, that´s why it affect the Costa Rica identity, by adapt a foreign culture. There are another ads that are changing our own style, for instance the fast food, through watch ads related to this food, are provoking to get accustomed with this kind of food, in the morning, afternoon, at night, etc, and those situations are not part of the Costa Rica society.
The use of ads in the teaching learning-process is very useful because it calls students attention, they get interest in the topic, some of them are very familiarized, for example if the teacher present a video related to NIKE advertisement, most of them are related to some famous soccer player and they probably know about them.
In this activity, the verbal and non verbal communication is presented, because students are encourage use the vocabulary learned by putting into practice and performed it.
When students are encourage to analyzed and think in a critical way, the idea with this task is to create a favorable attitude through the learning process, because it involves the acquisition of the language by the behaviorism, I mean students are stimulated with innovate activities and so they response in a favorable way.
Finally, by using the advertisement activities we are innovating, because this kind of task called the student attention, makes the students be active, spontaneous, creative, regarding the characteristic of a renewed innovation, for example; it is an activity well known, it is creative, motivate students to participated actively, calls students attention, it has bottom up and top down activities, makes the students think in a critical way, by apply the knowledge and vocabulary presented, students are encourage to use their imagination.

plan demo group 6 Ads

Advertisement storyboard

Adam Malster, British Council, Taipei

Level – Pre-intermediate and above
In this lesson students produce a storyboard for an advertisement.
The exercises in this lesson introduce some of the elements of advertisements such as
slogans. There is a discussion on where advertisements can be found. The concept of a
storyboard is introduced and an example of a storyboard for an advert is examined in
detail. In the final stage of the lesson, students are given the opportunity to produce their
own storyboard to advertise a product. Extension tasks are also suggested.


Cut up the Advert Blurbs 1 Worksheet A so that the names of the products and the
blurbs are separate. Stick the names of the products and the blurbs to the walls of your
classroom at random.
The students now circulate and try to match the products to the right blurbs. Some of the
words are missing from the blurbs so they will have to do some guessing.
When the products and blurbs have been matched, spend some time asking the class
how they managed to match each product to its blurb. Take this opportunity to highlight
key language and clues such as “Say cheese!” being an obvious phrase connected with

Distribute the Advert Blurbs 2 Worksheet B. The students now need complete the cloze
activity. With higher levels you could even choose not to give them any of the words at
all and have them generate their own.
Introduce the idea of a slogan at this point by quoting some famous slogans and having
the class tell you the product. Some examples could be:
I’m loving it. (McDonald’s)
Just do it. (Nike)
Now ask the students to highlight the slogans on the worksheet.
Elicit where the adverts from the worksheet could be found (Newspapers or magazines)
and also elicit where else adverts can be seen or heard. (Billboards, the sides of buses
or taxis, radio) The answer you are looking to elicit here is television!
At this point if you have the facilities you could:
• Look on You Tube and find a montage of advertisements. Ask the class
to name the type of each product. You could also ask them to note down
the slogans.
• Show an advert with a story to it and give the students some simple
questions so they can draw it out for themselves. The Levis
advertisements from the late 1980s and early 90s are good for this. I
particularly like the one staring Brad Pitt, as you can get the class to
guess which famous movie star features in it. (Again YouTube is an
excellent source for this kind of material.)
Introduce the idea of a storyboard. A storyboard is a series of pictures which show
changes of action planned for an advertisement. It is a cheap way for directors to get an
idea of what the advert will look like before they start filming.
Show the Citrus Shine Soft Drink storyboard to the class and get them to describe the
events in the advert as you go. At this point you need to decide what tenses you want
your class to produce. Elementary classes should produce present tenses while higher
levels can produce narrative tenses (although less natural than present tenses for this
task it is very good practice).
Distribute the Citrus Shine Soft Drink storyboard and the storyboard questions
worksheet. Now the students answer the questions about the Citrus Shine advert. They
must complete this task by writing full sentences. This will prepare them for the writing
stage when they produce their own storyboard.
Divide your class into pairs and distribute examples of real products to the class. You
could use examples of products like those on the Advert Blurb worksheet or you could
bring in some other examples.
Distribute the advert storyboard template. The students now must produce their own
storyboard. The advert should tell a simple story like the Citrus Shine example. For each
picture they must write a few sentences describing what is happening. Again for
elementary classes focus on present tenses while higher levels should use narrative
tenses. The last picture of the storyboard should be a shot of the product with a logo and

Follow up
As an extension task you can ask quicker groups to think of the type of music that goes
with the advert. They could even put a jingle or a song together.
When the storyboards are complete there are a number of things you can do with them.
• Stick the storyboards up around the room. The students can now look at them all
and vote for their favourite (they can’t vote for their own!)
• Each group could present their storyboard to the class. Again a class vote could
• If you have the equipment the storyboards could be filmed in a later class. The
videos could then be watched and a vote could be held on the results. Pairs of
students could either film their own storyboard or use that of another group

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The importance of Innovation

The importance of Innovation

Innovations is a great tool which enables students to learn in a better way and of course efficiently, innovations is not a new phenomenon, people know about it and know how to innovate, but be able to do it it´s a different story.

People and especially educators know about this subject, they know how to innovate, sometimes he/she does not want to complicated themselves, they just perform the easiest way. It is much better, because be innovating mean to do many things in order to obtain good results, for that reason teachers in some cases, try to avoid the innovative decisions, I am talking about isolated cases for instance, lazy teachers.

The importance of innovation in the learning process in our educating system is the improving of the learning process; the question is how can we get this improving? In order to get with this objective we must work on the way of teaching, many people have been thinking that innovation is something totally new, for example the creation a new method or even strategy, it is not regarding this, innovate means do the same method or strategy, but in a different way, with the purpose of avoid the same thing over and over, the idea it´s basically give our class using the same topics with different activities, transforms the old and monotonous strategies, in something different, that allow student´s attention.

By the way, professor must be updating day by day, researching, looking for fresh ideas, applying into the classroom, so that´s part of our profession, innovations is not a decision or it is something that if I apply or not, be innovated is a must, I consider that is a requirement for educators.

Students complain and parents, too, about the teaching method apply for a specific teacher, a professor not well prepared student´s reactionis going to be negatively, they demonstrate uninterested, they become pessimistic, unenthusiastic and also the student´s expectancy is going to decrease in a high level, because the teacher is so bored. The idea of Education Innovation is prepared instructor with a clear objective that is definitely get excellent results in the Teaching Learning Process.

Nowadays the world has been becoming more technological advanced each day, that mean that we need to go through, going at the same step, that´s why updating is extremely important in our job. The technological advises have an important role in the Education Innovation, because technology is a tool that help us as teachers by using new way of teaching.

Today´s life, education provide a successful and fulfillment life style, have a Bachelor degree and other is the key to get into labor marketing, education provide us opportunities in order to get good future.

Creativity go through innovation, some professor said I do not know how to innovate what can I do? That happened when the instructor is lacking of imagination or maybe they have forgotten how to use it, imagination is an important key in order to be an innovate professor.

The innovation goes a little bite beyond, regarding what the syllabus or program ask for, we must make the difference in the tradition education and the education innovation. Teacher´s must be motivated to teach in an excellent way at the same time students are motivated to learn. In this situation motivation is another important key element to success teaching learning process. Every professor needs to be concerned about motivation, it is a quality that pupils, students, teachers, parents, school administrator and other members of the community, because the proposal of the educational system is to prepare people adequately for the demands into our society.

An educator is a professional who helps pupils and students learn and progress through their life. For that reason be a an educator is nor very simple, because it is not just give classes, we need to take into account, students motivation, students’ self-esteem, students’ needs and abilities.

In order to conclude, the innovation has a significant role in the educational system, so education without innovation does not have the expected result, that´s why student´s academicals result depend on the instructor way of teaching, as much innovate class we apply better results we get into our pupils.

The Minister of Education and the Education system demand us be innovate for the only one purpose, help our customer and who are the costumer? The costumer means our students.

We are giving a service, as a result of that; we need to give it in an excellent quality. On the other hand, if it does not happened or never occurred, our clients are going to desert, we do not want this, working on innovation is the best technique to avoid students’ desertion, and students lack of interest, and lack of motivation.

By the way, the main purpose of the innovation is the improvement of the learning process. Improvement is the key of the successful, there is no option and no way, the only one is innovate for student ´s benefit.


Bailey KM, Nunan D (Eds.). (1996). Voices from the language classroom: Qualitative research in second language education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bartlett L (1990).Teacher development through reflective teaching. In J.C. Richards and D. Nunan (ads.), Second language teacher education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Teacher´s attitude

Teacher´s Attitude

There are some factors that affect students Learning-Process such as economic situations, cultural aspects, cognitive problems, and one point very important it is related with the teacher´s attitude that is the concern in this paper. Those are internal and external situations that really affect directly positive and negative, the student´s Learning-Process.

When we refer to the Teacher´s Attitude in the Learning Process, it involves a plenty of situations for instance, lack of confidence, lack of coherence in the subject, lack of motivation, and in some cases the conditions or the environment under which teachers work.

Before I start to develop those situations, I am going to give a concept about what Attitude is? The word attitude (from Latin aptus) is defined within the framework of social psychology as a subjective or mental preparation for action. It defines outward and visible postures and human beliefs. Attitudes determine what each individual will see, hear, think and do. They are rooted in experience and do not become automatic routine conduct.

Attitude means the individual's prevailing tendency to respond favorably or unfavorably to an object (person or group of people, institutions or events). Attitudes can be positive (values) or negative (prejudice).

Since the first day of classes students are paying attentions, and watching up about his or hers teacher´s attitude, how she/he is? The way she/he is teaching, as a result of that, if the instructor has a lack of confidence regarding his/hers subject matter, students feel it. This issue happened when the professor does not care about his/her teaching. Unfortunately there are teachers just waiting for a salary or even a simple job. In this profession, we as educators must be confidence in what we are doing, In order to avoid uninteresting students in our subject matter, we need to be secure, believe in ourselves.

Lack of coherence in the teaching learning process, means that the professor is not well prepared, students are so intelligent they perceive if the instructor is improvising or not, so they lose the interest, provoking student´s distraction, lack of class control. We need to be careful, if we are a really educators, we must be self-prepared, because we are educating people, with the purpose of integrating into our society capable, to think, react, through problems, and give possible solutions to the problem presented.

One the most important aspect presented in this reaction, it is the motivation. Teacher´s attitude affect directly, the student’s motivation positively or negatively, in this position we have two ways help or destroy.

If we want to motivate our students, it is necessary start by ourselves, because if we as educators are not motivated, this feeling is transferring into the student´s mind. The class must be innovated, the activities, the techniques, the method need to renew, in order to catch student´s attention, and so that our motivation is going to splash into the environment, motivation is like a kind of contagious song, if he/she likes or get into, they feel our need, our speciation, our goals, for that reason his/hers desire is going to, or become in just one. As teachers, should be able to do something beyond our teaching and if can make or have a good relationship with our students, in order to achieve that they can see not just like the serious professor, it is even more than that, become into theirs friend, provoking better comprehension into each other, trying to know what are theirs necessities, abilities, doing so we get strong results. According to Barry (1999), students are humans first and learners second.That means, if we want to get good results in the academicals process, teachers should be interact with theirs students, become confident, I consider that this issue should be apply as the first strategy, get our students as the teacher´s friend, with that objective achieved, learning process is going be much easier. Sometimes it could be something dangerous, we must take care about it, in order to distinguish the teacher´s role, for example; a student could be thinking, I am the teacher´s friend, so I am going to pass the course, it is not the purpose obviously, be the teacher´s friend mean, be the person who listen that student in a difficult situation, try to know what are goal he or she want, with the purpose of helping them. So as a result of that be the teacher´s friend does not mean be the teacher´s pet, because that is another connotation.

The question, how our attitude as educators affect the students? It is very simple; we are educating, teaching, instructing, and forming good people in order to introduce into the society. Students are watching up to another, looking for a model (teacher, parents, mentor, and friend), that´s why attitude is very important in the teaching-learning process. Because in some cases students try to imitate the model, good or bad they are going to imitate, so the idea it´s that imitate a good model, for the students benefits.

Sometimes the environment in which professor works, affect his/her attitude positively or negatively, for instance if the instructor is working in a school or high school with an excellent infrastructure, excellent materials, the school or high school location is not difficult to access, so I mean the professor has all the comfortable conditions in order to work with the best effort, there is nothing to do, just make our job that is educating. On the other hand, a teacher is going to teach in a school with terrible conditions, regarding infrastructure, very difficult to access, is not the same attitude of the instructor, affecting directly students learning process.

To summarize, we choose this job, which involve plenty of situation in which we are not costumed to, but it is something mandatory do our best, teacher´s attitude toward teaching learning process plays a very important and significant role, that´s why we must be enthusiastic even more than optimistic. Student´s positive attitude depend on the teacher´s attitude, it has a relationship between both of them, because the attitude of the professor mold the students one.

Motivation one of the most important point discuss in this paper, motivation is not something that I choose or not, is a little bite more deeper, is part of our process as an educator. Professor motivated equal students motivated, result goal achieved. We are molding people it´s something that we need to care about that situation, as much we motivated ourselves the teaching learning process become so easy, because is something that we like very much, in addition students reflect our way of being.

Furthermore, teacher´s dedication that he or she gives to the job, increase in a high level the student´s self-esteem, and getting interest in the subject. The environment where the professor is teaching, I consider that it should not be affect the teacher´s performance. Because it is supposed we have vocation, that´s what we want. Finally if we want to get succeed in our profession (educators) motivation is the key.


Bastos, H., 1989, Cambio en la práctica de los professores; una experiência usando procesos reflexivos, Investigacion en la escuela, 9.

Baxter, M., 1989 Measures to improve the effectiveness of teaching in UK schools, La Fisica nella Scuola, Supplemento Speciale, XXII, 4,.

Black, P. , 1989: Talk presented in the 'Energy alternatives risk education' ICPE Conference, Ballaton, Hungary.

Bliss, J., Children Learning Science, in Wonder and Delight, Ed. J. Ogborn and B. Jennisson, Bristol, Institute of Physics Publishing.

Hull, C. (1943). Principles of Behavior. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.

Learning via Learning from Simulations and Critical Incidents,

Friday, February 3, 2012

React toward Defining Education Innovation

Defining Educational Innovation

When we listen, the Word innovation many people think about computers, internet and many others technology devises, but this way of thinking is not totally wrong, if we are talking about innovation it is a little bite wider: According to Merriam Webster, it's defined as: 1) the introduction of something new, 2) a new idea, method, or device: novelty .

So as a result of that, as English teachers we need to take into account this important issue. In order to be clear that educational innovation is not give a class with the most modern equipment or using the most expensive technology devises, it is not so. It is very simple, when the professor introduce a new idea or even method in order to innovate we are applying educational innovation with the purpose of avoid the monotonous class, that provokes better result in the academy purposes.

There is one important point that called me my attention; it is when the abstract refers to the following question, why does a new textbook succeed in the public education system of one country while identical materials fail in another? We need to take into account some factors such as economic, political, and cultural aspect, but the most important issue that I consider in order to get the successful or fail any course, it is the way the textbook is going to be taught. It could be the best textbook with the best strategies, wonderful activities, tested in the best University or Collage, but if the instructor does not apply well or even apply in a monotonous way, the best textbook does not work.

So, this is part of the innovation, the way of any professor teach has to be innovated in order to get better results in the learning process. For instance two professors are using the same textbook, teacher “A”, uses it in a normal way, he does not complicated, apply monotonous activities, teacher “B” uses it applying innovated activities, new strategies, make the students to be motivated, as a result of that, the first teacher does not get enough results, but the second one get the best results. So, that means innovation is extremely important especially when we are talking about Education, we as educators must be innovated as much as possible. For me innovation means get successful. That´s why new textbooks do not work at the same manner, the difference between one teacher and other it´s very simple, it is the way of teaching, the way professors apply innovation.

Another issue discussing in the abstract refers to the teacher´s optimism, I totally agree when it said that nowadays educators are less optimistic. Many years ago teachers were more optimistic, enthusiastic and of course very motivated, they knew very well the word vocation. But why professors are less optimistic there are some factors in consideration, for example lack of committed, lack of motivation and the methodology used. If we analyze those situations, a teacher without committed, or without motivation, become into bored teacher and even lazy teacher, provoking a series of consequences in the Teaching-learning process, due to this situation students are going to get the worse part, because the negative effect of the teacher, is going to act in the academicals results on his or hers students, that´s why optimism and enthusiasm needs to be part of the Teaching-Learning process.

Nowadays competitiveness is really hard, that means that many “teachers” are looking for a job, some of those teachers are looking for just a salary, and not a profession. In this job need to be committed, motivated and something very important have a vocation; with those aspects his or her teaching process is going to become excellent.

The idea in the process syllabus, has a good direction innovated through a problem solving model change, students need to interact in real situations by thinking critically, learn by doing that´s one of the most important goal, the idea of this purpose is that our students create their own solutions to the problematic presented in the society . There is one aspect that I disagree with; it said that the content, materials, methodology and assessment are negotiated between the instructor and learners; with this methodology we have advantages and disadvantages. If we talk about the benefits we have students get more confident, less shy, less complications, because they negotiated the way they want to be taught, with so, students become more comfortable, I am not saying that negotiated some points of the contents, materials and even the methodology is bad or terrible, but negotiated the whole course, for me it does not work. Discussing the negative effect, if the learners select what they want, it could be possible that reject some contents that are important, in this case students share the authority with the professor by adding or deleting information in the program or syllabus.

In order to conclude, Educational innovation must be apply every single day in the Teaching-Learning Process, educators need to be updated in their subject matter, using different activities, strategies, methods, approaches, with the purpose of benefit the students, innovation is part of our profession.

By the way there are plenty of textbooks; technology devises that are suppose the best, for study purpose, getting them is not necessarily get the best method in order to learn the one hundred percent, if the teacher or instructor does not apply efficiently.

If we want to get excellent results we must innovate our class, which means try to eliminate bored and monotonous classes, by introducing fresh ideas, creating a good environment, all of this, is with the purpose of get our students motivated and enthusiastic for the subject matter.
