Thursday, March 15, 2012

Analysis for the plan demo

In this lesson plan, we can find some approaches related to innovation for example the content based approach, in that stage thought activities such as games, videos teachers can transform their classes into attractive and effective one, in fact the purpose of this, is the more language is used in order to get the goal, language is going to acquire in a easy way.
When we are talking about ads, we also talk about culture. Using advertisement we can teach culture, relating how in U.S.A or another English speaking countries show an advert and its slogan and compare into our country.
In the plan, the procedures are clear and well establish, so if we need to make some changes we can do it for a better comprehension, of course it need to be related with the students necessities and contextualized in order to adapt the level, one limitation using ads is, not every single students are involve in the media, as a result of that there are some slogans or products that the students do not know anything, for example if we talk about NIKE advertisement, students with a low economical recourses they do not have TV or the possibility to get into internet, so probably some students unknown some of the Nike advert, but the way students get interesting using this kind of topic because they can get familiarized with some of the products or slogans, provoking students get active, and motivated in the activities.
There are some teacher that think that using innovations, is waste time or it does not work, but when we are really innovate teacher, there is no difficult using any activity, in contrast it help us to be active in the teaching-learning process, and for that reason motivate our students to do so.
By using this activity, students create their critical thinking, when they are matching the missing words and even when they relate a specific phrase with the possible advertisement, so students are force to think where I listened this, this word is related with this other one. So, as a result of that they analyze the situation and give an answer.
In the first part of the activity, students try to understand words, phrases, ads (bottom up) the teacher introduce some famous advert, by analyzing and think in a critical form, after that, when they understood the vocabulary, students are able to create their own storyboard (top down). That means, by using this kind of activity students go through the simple steps that is learning and acquiring the knowledge and vocabulary, and the complex steps in which relate to the ability to use the vocabulary learned.
The use of innovation is extremely important in the teaching-learning process, that´s why we as educators need to apply it, there are some teachers that use the innovations in their class and as a result of that they get excellent results, in contrast with it, there are other teachers that they do not want to get complicate themselves, so professors use monotonous activities, provoking lack of interesting in the subject matter. Local teachers use both of ways, by innovating and not innovate.
If we take into account the possible effects by using the ads, it could be, how a an advertisement affect our culture, I mean talking about Mc Donald´s ads, they introduce the U.S.A culture into our country, that´s why it affect the Costa Rica identity, by adapt a foreign culture. There are another ads that are changing our own style, for instance the fast food, through watch ads related to this food, are provoking to get accustomed with this kind of food, in the morning, afternoon, at night, etc, and those situations are not part of the Costa Rica society.
The use of ads in the teaching learning-process is very useful because it calls students attention, they get interest in the topic, some of them are very familiarized, for example if the teacher present a video related to NIKE advertisement, most of them are related to some famous soccer player and they probably know about them.
In this activity, the verbal and non verbal communication is presented, because students are encourage use the vocabulary learned by putting into practice and performed it.
When students are encourage to analyzed and think in a critical way, the idea with this task is to create a favorable attitude through the learning process, because it involves the acquisition of the language by the behaviorism, I mean students are stimulated with innovate activities and so they response in a favorable way.
Finally, by using the advertisement activities we are innovating, because this kind of task called the student attention, makes the students be active, spontaneous, creative, regarding the characteristic of a renewed innovation, for example; it is an activity well known, it is creative, motivate students to participated actively, calls students attention, it has bottom up and top down activities, makes the students think in a critical way, by apply the knowledge and vocabulary presented, students are encourage to use their imagination.

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