Thursday, February 9, 2012

The importance of Innovation

The importance of Innovation

Innovations is a great tool which enables students to learn in a better way and of course efficiently, innovations is not a new phenomenon, people know about it and know how to innovate, but be able to do it it´s a different story.

People and especially educators know about this subject, they know how to innovate, sometimes he/she does not want to complicated themselves, they just perform the easiest way. It is much better, because be innovating mean to do many things in order to obtain good results, for that reason teachers in some cases, try to avoid the innovative decisions, I am talking about isolated cases for instance, lazy teachers.

The importance of innovation in the learning process in our educating system is the improving of the learning process; the question is how can we get this improving? In order to get with this objective we must work on the way of teaching, many people have been thinking that innovation is something totally new, for example the creation a new method or even strategy, it is not regarding this, innovate means do the same method or strategy, but in a different way, with the purpose of avoid the same thing over and over, the idea it´s basically give our class using the same topics with different activities, transforms the old and monotonous strategies, in something different, that allow student´s attention.

By the way, professor must be updating day by day, researching, looking for fresh ideas, applying into the classroom, so that´s part of our profession, innovations is not a decision or it is something that if I apply or not, be innovated is a must, I consider that is a requirement for educators.

Students complain and parents, too, about the teaching method apply for a specific teacher, a professor not well prepared student´s reactionis going to be negatively, they demonstrate uninterested, they become pessimistic, unenthusiastic and also the student´s expectancy is going to decrease in a high level, because the teacher is so bored. The idea of Education Innovation is prepared instructor with a clear objective that is definitely get excellent results in the Teaching Learning Process.

Nowadays the world has been becoming more technological advanced each day, that mean that we need to go through, going at the same step, that´s why updating is extremely important in our job. The technological advises have an important role in the Education Innovation, because technology is a tool that help us as teachers by using new way of teaching.

Today´s life, education provide a successful and fulfillment life style, have a Bachelor degree and other is the key to get into labor marketing, education provide us opportunities in order to get good future.

Creativity go through innovation, some professor said I do not know how to innovate what can I do? That happened when the instructor is lacking of imagination or maybe they have forgotten how to use it, imagination is an important key in order to be an innovate professor.

The innovation goes a little bite beyond, regarding what the syllabus or program ask for, we must make the difference in the tradition education and the education innovation. Teacher´s must be motivated to teach in an excellent way at the same time students are motivated to learn. In this situation motivation is another important key element to success teaching learning process. Every professor needs to be concerned about motivation, it is a quality that pupils, students, teachers, parents, school administrator and other members of the community, because the proposal of the educational system is to prepare people adequately for the demands into our society.

An educator is a professional who helps pupils and students learn and progress through their life. For that reason be a an educator is nor very simple, because it is not just give classes, we need to take into account, students motivation, students’ self-esteem, students’ needs and abilities.

In order to conclude, the innovation has a significant role in the educational system, so education without innovation does not have the expected result, that´s why student´s academicals result depend on the instructor way of teaching, as much innovate class we apply better results we get into our pupils.

The Minister of Education and the Education system demand us be innovate for the only one purpose, help our customer and who are the costumer? The costumer means our students.

We are giving a service, as a result of that; we need to give it in an excellent quality. On the other hand, if it does not happened or never occurred, our clients are going to desert, we do not want this, working on innovation is the best technique to avoid students’ desertion, and students lack of interest, and lack of motivation.

By the way, the main purpose of the innovation is the improvement of the learning process. Improvement is the key of the successful, there is no option and no way, the only one is innovate for student ´s benefit.


Bailey KM, Nunan D (Eds.). (1996). Voices from the language classroom: Qualitative research in second language education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bartlett L (1990).Teacher development through reflective teaching. In J.C. Richards and D. Nunan (ads.), Second language teacher education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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