Thursday, August 19, 2021

English Oriented to Network Configuration and Operating Systems

web blogs


Naigell Nuñez Venegas said...


What is a wiki:

the wiki is a computer work system used on websites that allows users to modify or create their content quickly and easily.

What is the wiki for?

Using the Wiki Wiki technology allows web pages hosted on a public server to be collaboratively written and edited through a browser, using a simple notation to format, create links, etc. ... Wikis are an effective tool for collaborative writing

it's easy to use:

Wikis are simple, flexible, and powerful collaboration tools. They can be used for anything, from repositories or lists of properly organized web links to the creation of encyclopedias with the Wiki, it is easy to develop the contents of a subject together.

wiki features:
1-They allow access to the document's histories, so that its different stages can be observed
2-They support creating backups
3-They offer the possibility of presenting content using multimedia resources or images.
4-They give the possibility that the authors are anonymous.

thank you for your time

Naigell Nuñez Venegas said...

In conclusion, the wiki is a place to find out the information you are looking for or upload it that anyone can use.

Neiber1411 said...

Cloud computing, also known as cloud services, cloud computing, computing cloud or simply "the cloud", is a paradigm that allows computing services to be offered over a network, which is usually the internet.

La computación en la nube (o cloud computing, en inglés) es una tecnología que permite acceder remotamente, de cualquier lugar del mundo y en cualquier momento, a softwares, almacenamiento de archivos y procesamiento de datos a través de Internet, sin la necesidad de conectarse a un ordenador personal o servidor local.

In simple terms, the cloud allows you to store and access data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer's hard drive. The cloud is just a metaphor for the Internet. ... Storing data on a home or office network is different from using the cloud.

Examples of cloud storage

-Google Drive.
-Amazon Web Services.
-Terabox (Formerly Dubox)

JulianALizano said...

Open Source Software or OSS is the software whose source code and other rights are normally exclusive to those who own the copyright.

Open Source are published under an open source license or are part of the public domain.

In licenses compatible with the Open Source Definition, the copyright owner allows users to use, change and redistribute the software, to anyone, for any purpose, either in its modified form or in its original form.

Often open source software is developed collaboratively and the results are published on the internet. The software is the best example of open source development and is compared to so-called "user-generated content".

Of course, we cannot forget that the open source system lowers the barriers to innovation, so that any user can share their idea in the market.

In the same way, by using these programs, you no longer depend on the work of a company dedicated exclusively to software maintenance, being able to open doors to anyone who has the knowledge and skills necessary to do so remotely.

Examples of OSS:

-Oppen Office

Nayeli López said...
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Mr. DEYBITH said...

Deybith Venegas Aleman
web page
which is a web page? A web page, electronic page, digital page or cyberpage, is a document or electronic information capable of containing text, sound, video, programs, links, images, hyperlinks and many other things, adapted for the so-called World Wide Web (WWW), and that can be accessed through a web browser. Web pages can be stored on a computer or on a remote web server. The Web server can restrict access only to private networks, for example, on a corporate intranet, or it can publish the pages to the World Wide Web. Access to web pages is done by means of a transfer from servers, using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

that allow us to make the web pages? they allow us to create a document that is visible using an internet browser. This document can contain texts, images, videos, sounds, files and other elements that together make up the structure of a web page. A web page is mainly composed of information on a feasible topic (text only or multimedia modules) as well as hyperlinks; It can also contain or associate style sheet, style data to specify how it should be displayed, and also embedded applications to allow you to interact with more people.

what is the importanceof the web pages? A web page serves as a prop to exist on the Internet. It's that clear. The website should be the center of any online strategy. It serves to make yourself known among all those who do not know your brand, company or SME, or the products or services you offer. A website is the center of the SEO positioning strategy. The importance of a web page is born in the way of understanding that the internet is a place for everyone, it is currently one of the most used means of communication by the masses, and it is relevant to understand that we will find everything we want through this medium. Your business must have a digital presence and one of the best ways to do this is through a website where users get all the information they are looking for about the service you offer.

what function has a web page? A web page, can have several uses, can be used as a means of communication for various topics, such as news, culture, medicine, science, technology, comments on various topics, forums, education, debate, games, music, movies, etc. but the function of any website is exclusively to disseminate information of all kinds: commercial, institutional, educational, journalistic, governmental, etc. From the programming point of view there are pages with static content and dynamic content.

Nayeli López said...

Virtual Machine
What is a Virtual Machine?
A virtual machine is a software that we install on the computer that allows you to run several operating on the same hardware.

For example: On the same operator i can be using multiple operating systems. MacOs, Linux, Windows

The great majority of virtual machines, as for example Virtualbox or VMWare allow you to install any operating system such as Linux, Andrid, Chrome OS,etc. However, there are other virtual machines, such as Virtual PC, Hyper-V or Parrallels, which are mainly intended to virtualize Windows.
Each of the operating systems that we virtualize is completely independent from the other operating systems. In the case that one of the virtual machines stop work, the rest will continue to work without any problem.
The operating system virtualized is used as if is had been installed on the computer.

A virtual machine has all the elements that has a real computer, but a difference of a real computer that’s elements are virtual instead of being physical.
All the elements of a virtual machine are
encapsulated in a set of files.

Some of the important points for optimal performance of the virtualized operating system are:
Have a fast processor and hardware virtualization capacity.
Have enough space on your hard drive.
Have sufficient and adequate RAM memory.

To test operating systems.
To use software that is not on the operating system.
For example: We are Linux users, and we want to use Photoshop, we can do it through a virtual machine.

Using virtual machines means having less physical equipment and money

They provide the same functionality as physical computers.

They run applications and various operating systems.

To use a virtual machine properly we need a powerful computer.

Operating systems and programs will run slower.

Lower performance

Emanuel R.R said...

-What is intranet?
Internal computer network of a company or organization, based on Internet standards, in which computers are connected to one or more web servers.

-What is the objective of the intranet.
whose objective is to assist workers in generating value for the company, making assets such as content, files, business processes and tools available to them; facilitating collaboration and communication between people and teams.

-Intranet advantages.
Optimize communication and the timely flow of information between employees.
Increases the efficiency and productivity of the organization.
Reduces operating costs, saving time and money.
Increase creativity and innovation.
Promotes teamwork.

-Disadvantages of the intranet.
They are exposed to possible hacker attacks.
Potential chaos, regarding the change of processes and systems.
System complexity. Employees may perceive it as too difficult to understand and therefore will not get the most out of it.

-Importance of the intranet.
The intranet is a concept with a high degree of recognition in the workplace, as it is the tool that keeps the employees of an organization in constant communication.

The intranet is a concept with a high degree of recognition in the workplace, as it is the tool that keeps the employees of an organization in constant communication.
Thanks to the intranet, organizations are able to improve internal communication and collaboration of workers when sharing general information, documents and important data, since these are shared through folders accessible from any device or computer in the company.

A corporate intranet, generally used to control, store and distribute the flow of internal information of companies, is a tool for the exclusive use of employees who have access to various databases, news, important documents and restricted files for the public in general.

Nixon said...


user explanation
In health, it is someone who uses a medical service and a computer user can refer to a profile of an account on a certain social platform or to the one who uses the computer

username format
Various operating systems and computer applications expect / enforce different rules for the format. For example, in Microsoft Windows environments, consider the possible use of: 8 User Principal Name (UPN) format, for example: Lower level login name format, for example: DOMAIN \ Username

tank you for your time

KELLER_VF26 said...


As an interface we designate, in computing, the physical and functional connection that is established between two devices, devices or systems that function independently of each other.

What is interface

As an interface we designate, in computing, the physical and functional connection that is established between two devices, devices or systems that function independently of each other.

Interface types

Graphical user interface (GUI)
Command line interface (CLI)
Menu-based user interface
Touch user interface
Voice user interface (VUI)
Form-based user interface
Natural language user interface


The user interface is the means by which the user can communicate with a machine, equipment, computer or device, and includes all the points of contact between the user and the equipment.

Allisson said...


is a term that is used in systems or objects that use various means to transmit or present a type of information combining, simultaneously, texts, images, audios, among others.
Multimedia can be used in analog, digital equipment and storage devices. Likewise, for a better use of multimedia, it is also necessary to access an internet network in order to download or share relevant data as the case may be.

Why is multimedia important?
Image result
Improve text-only interfaces (perfectly worded and synthesized, to the point) They keep attention and interest. Improves retention of presented information. It is enormously entertaining

what does the multimedia refer to?
refers to the integration of different forms of media that make it possible to transmit information in various formats so that the user can understand it more clearly.

that allows to present the multimedia?
It allows you to present information in a variety of easy-to-understand ways, which is very useful in many areas.

In the educational field, teachers use a large number of resources to teach their students an infinite number of subjects of study

What is the purpose of multimedia?
Image result for what is the goal of multimedia
Facilitate access to information through a computer, a telephone or a cell phone and place in a comfortable position to acquire a fresh and broad knowledge of culture, information, communication and education

What is the goal of educational multimedia?
They are all multimedia didactic materials that guide and regulate the teaching-learning process of students, by combining text, color, graphics, animations, video, sound, in the same environment.

Multimedia features
The main characteristic of multimedia is to consider the possibility of being able to improve the informative experience of users, whether it is to share or receive certain content, even making communication between people more direct and simple.

Other features that can be mentioned are:
It makes use of several communication media simultaneously.

It is aimed at a specific audience.

It is interactive.}

Its purpose is to improve the communicative and informative experience.

It is used in various areas of human development to overcome the common experience of communication and information.

It is widely used in the entertainment area, such as in the cinema.

Multimedia finds its use in various areas such as art, education, entertainment, engineering, medicine, mathematics, business, and scientific research. In education, multimedia is used to produce computerized learning courses and reference books such as encyclopedia and almanacs. Among many others.

multimedia in business

multimedia at school

multimedia in homes

multimedia in public places


Keyner C.M said...

Keyner Cerdas Morales


What is a computer virus?

A lot of information (and misinformation) circulates online about the term "virus", so let's make it clear and define this concept once and for all: a computer virus is a malicious and self-replicating program or code that sneaks into your device without your knowledge or permission .

Some viruses are just plain annoying, but most are destructive and designed to infect and take control of your device. A virus can spread through computers or networks by making copies of itself, in the same way that a biological virus is transmitted from one person to another.

How do computer viruses work?

"Computer virus" is a general term that includes many different types of viruses, delivery mechanisms and impacts. In terms of their exact operation, computer viruses can be divided into two categories: those that begin to infect and replicate as soon as they arrive on the computer and those that remain inactive, waiting for you to activate them (that is, waiting for you to activate them). run the code inadvertently).

Keyner C.M said...

Viruses have four phases (inspired by biologists' life cycle classification of real viruses).
• Sleeping phase : This is when the virus remains hidden in your system, waiting.
• Propagation phase : It is the moment when the virus goes viral: it replicates and stores copies of itself in files, programs and other parts of the disk. Clones can be slightly altered in an attempt to avoid detection, and they also self-replicate, creating more clones that keep copying, and so on.
• Activation phase : A specific action is usually required to trigger or activate the virus. It can be a user action, such as clicking an icon or opening an application. Other viruses are programmed to come to life after a certain time, for example, after the computer has been restarted ten times (in order to hide the origin of the virus).
• Execution phase : The “fun” begins. The virus releases its payload , the malicious code that damages the device.

Keyner C.M said...

How do computer viruses spread?

Computer viruses can spread over the Internet through various infection mechanisms. Viruses can reach your computer in the following ways:

Email messages: Email, the favorite method of cybercriminals , can carry harmful attachments (in the form of executable files such as .EXE or .ZIP ) and malicious links, or even contain an infection directly in the body of the message, in the form of HTML.

Downloads : Hackers can hide viruses in applications, in documents sent via file-sharing services, in plug-ins, and almost anywhere you can think of where there are files to download.

Messaging services : Viruses can spread via SMS or messaging services such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram. In these cases, as in email, they can take the form of malicious links, attachments, and executable files.

Old software: If you haven't updated your applications or operating system in a long time, you are almost certainly experiencing vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can exploit to sneak viruses into you.

Malvertising: There may be hidden viruses in online advertisements such as advertising banners. Malvertising is very insidious because criminals can hide their malicious code even on legitimate and trusted websites, such as The New York Times or the BBC , that have suffered such attacks.
Fortunately, there are simple ways to protect yourself from these attack vectors and we will discuss these shortly.

What do computer viruses do

After entering the execution phase and releasing its payload, a computer virus starts the attack, so it will begin to suffer negative effects on your device. As viruses hijack system code and resources to replicate, you may also experience problems during this phase. Be on the lookout for the following effects:
• Slow permance
• Damaged or missing files
• Incessant pop-ups
• Constant hard drive activity
• Crashes or crashes of programs and the operating system
• Strange things happen, like apps that open themselves or new files that appear randomly

Aside from causing these performance problems, viruses can also steal confidential information such as usernames, passwords, or credit card numbers. Some viruses can send messages to all your contacts to try to trick them into getting infected as well, which is another method of spread.

Types of computer viruses

• Direct-action viruses:
• Boot sector viruses :
• Resident viruses :
• Multipartite viruses
• Polymorphic Viruses
• Macro viruses:

Signs that your device could be infected
Have you ever been tipped off by friends of a suspicious email from one of your accounts? It is a classic sign of infection with a computer virus. One of the ways that viruses continue to spread is by spreading themselves to your entire contact list (whether by email, text message, or other messaging service). The aim is to try to trick recipients into downloading the virus.
As mentioned before, there are other symptoms of computer virus infection, such as an abundance of pop-ups, device and application crashes and crashes, unexpected slow performance , and most of all, unexplained changes to the device or account settings.

Richard said...

Office suite:
Android operating application that allows the editing and
Creation of document from the office package.

It is a collection of available applications that allow you to do things like write document, edit spreadsheets, create presentations etc.
Characteristic of Office suite:
It is the most downloaded office app on Google Play
Offers more exclusive features than any other office app
Documents, spreadsheets presentations and PDF files on all your devices, Full support for all popular formats including DOC, DOCX, DOCM, KLS, XLSX, XLSM, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSM, PPSX, PPTM, PPSM, support for common formats such as Open document.
Office suite models:
1) Microsoft office home and student
2) Microsoft office home and business
3) Microsoft office standard
4) Microsoft office professional
5) Microsoft office professional plus
Date office suite was created:
Office suite made its first appearance in 1989
On a Mac, and later on windows in 1990.
The term was initially used in marketing to sell a set of applications, which
Where previously sold separately.
Office Suite is a cross-platform office suite application developed by MobiSystems. It has versions for Android, iOS and Microsoft Windows and adds extensive PDF abilities to its compatibility with the most frequently used Microsoft Office file formats.


developer MobiSystems Inc.
Development model Multiplataforma
Initial release 1 de enero de 2004
License Shareware

Types of office suite license:

Individuals office license
Office 365
OEM licenses, windows + office packages

Adventajes of office suite:
• Access your files from anywhere
• Work collaboratively on the same file in real time
• Secure storage and permission management
• Constants updates
• Access your file from any devices
Disadventajes of office suite:
• Lack of applications, this version is a simpler and more basic than the desktop alternative offered by Microsoft
• System slowness, it is likely that the system will slow down because this service makes use of the internet and cloud storage

Neyshell Blear said...

What is memory?
Memory is the device that retains, memorizes, or stores computer data for some period of time.
Why is memory important?
Data and programs could not be stored temporarily or not.
Could not work properly a pc.
For example, if there was no RAM, the devices would be very slow.
What is memory for?
Its main function is the storage of information and knowledge.
Some types of memories:
RAM: Allows programs to start, load, and run.
Cache: Accelerate data exchange
ROM memory: It is a read-only memory.
Hard drive and SSD: Stores all the information generated by the user.
Pen drive: They facilitate the transport of data.


Masha y el oso said...

Personal Computer

what is a personal computer

It is a type of microcomputer designed in principle to be used by a single person.
that allows the personal computer
allows you to surf the Internet, study, write texts and perform other office or educational tasks, such as editing texts and databases, to eight other leisure activities, such as listening to music, watching videos, playing games, etc.

where the first personal computer was created and by whom
The first PC is the Programma 101, produced by the Italian company Olivetti between 1962 and 1964. Invented by the Italian engineer Pier Giorgio Perotto who was also the inventor of the magnetic card.

it was easy to acquire
The personal computer became easily acquired by the general public due to the mass production of the microprocessor based on the silicon chip and as the name suggests, intended to be used in the home rather than in business or industrial contexts


Using the computer at home can have some negative physical effects, For example obesity.
Another problem due to microcomputers is the issue of computer addiction.

The computer never gets tired, distracted, or angry. The information is processed and stored. Performs functions with a lower rate of errors. Faster information. said...

Operating System


It is a main software or set of programs of a computers system.

What is a free operating system?

.The most resentful of the company is a Windows 10.
.In 2015 the Windows 10 operaating system was released.


What is an Operative System?

It is the main software or set of programs of a computer system that manages the hardware resources and provides services to the software application programs, executing in a privileged mode with respect to the rest.

KELLER_VF26 said...


Virtual identity chosen by the user of a computer or a video game to represent him in an application or website.

What is avatars

An Avatar is the graphic representation that symbolizes a user in digital environments, in order to identify him. It is an image associated with an online identity that can range from a photograph, artistic drawings or even three-dimensional representations.

types of avatars

Purusha avatars.
Guna avatars.
Manvantara avatars.
Shaktyaves avatars.